Saturday, September 26, 2009

Judge Albro

           Photo courtesy of
      Shasta Historical Society
In my story of the Ruggles brothers, I mentioned that the jailer's name was George Albro. Well, he really was the jailer that was keeping watch over the Ruggles brothers that night.

Here is a little history about George. In 1946 he was appointed Judge Emeritus of Shasta County for life. It was an honor bestowed on him for his lifetime service to Shasta County. His service and commitment started in 1873 when he started working in the Shasta Courthouse at the age of 11 years old. He started out working part time doing odd jobs that needed to be done and was permanently hired six years later as a janitor and later a jailer.

When the county seat was moved from Shasta to Redding in 1886, he made the move with it. For 75 years he followed in his father's footsteps Stephen who worked as the deputy constable, nightwatchman, and janitor at the Shasta Courthouse.
This photo courtesy of Shasta Historical Society is of George Albro showing off the safe that held the keys to the jail of the Ruggles brothers. This safe was blown open by the mob that lynched the brothers. This safe is now at the Old Shasta Courthouse Museum in Shasta. You will have to look closely at the back right hand side of the safe to see the hole and damage that the blast made. When you visit the Museum be sure to look on the wall above the safe and review the newspaper article from 1892 about the confession to the robbery and background information about the Ruggles family. Also hanging on the wall is the revolver and axe used in the robbery.

This is the History Mystery Man signing off until I write again.

Copyright © 2009 by Ted Weyand. All rights reserved.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Ruggles Brothers and The Hanging Trees

The posse heard the shot and captured Charles. As they left to take him back to the Redding jail, I was in great pain from the wound. I started to pat myself down to feel where the bullet hit me. Of course, I had my eyes closed when I did this because I hate the sight of blood especially my own. I didn't feel anything wet so I opened my eyes and took a look at myself. Nothing. No blood, no bullet hole. He was either a bad shot or the shot went through me without affecting me. Either way the pain I felt wasn't really there.

While Charley Ruggles was in jail he recovered from his wounds. I sat next to Charles and he recognized me. I had the opportunity to talk to him while he waited for his fate. He told me that he was the youngest son of Lyman B. and Martha A. Ruggles. He believed he was well liked and went to college for a while in Stockton. Charley told me how he worked at the Iron Mountain Mine as a miner. He was known for his hard work and went by the name of Arizona Charley. He looked up to his brother and loved him very much. When his brother was 18 years old, he went to San Quentin Prison for robbery. John had a bad start in life but was making a turn around. He said that John bought a farm near Dinuba and purchased other land in Tulare County. He married Ida May Henderson in April of 1886. He had a daughter in 1887 by the name of Estella. Things were going pretty good for John then his wife died in 1889. John's daughter was sent to another family member and he lost interest in the farm and began hunting in the Sierra Nevada mountains. Charley felt that John never recovered from his wife's death and turned him back to the life of crime. Not only did these chain of events influence John, they influenced Charley from a hardworking good man into a stagecoach robbing and murdering bad man.

It has now been over 24 hours since I started this adventure and I'm still living in the past. I don't know how to get back. So my only choice was to continue and hope that the future leads me ahead to the present that I once lived in. I continued to stay in the jail spending my time with Charles. He seemed sorry for the direction his life had taken and wished he could have a "do over." But there are no do overs in life. You can stop and change your way and use your past to guide your new direction. It is like driving a car. As you are moving forward, watching and looking for obstacles to avoid, you are also looking in your rear view mirror to keep track where you have been. In life we need to use our past (history) to guide and mold our future.

Then the day came when the jail got word that John Ruggles was captured on June 19, 1892 at the Opera Restaurant in Woodland, California by Deputy Sheriff David Wyckoff. The Sheriff learned of his whereabouts when John's aunt kicked him out of her house. She had learned that John was involved in the robbery of the stagecoach and the murder of Amos Montgomery.

John and Charles were now united together again in jail waiting for their day in court. Ladies started visiting and leaving presents for them. They were gaining local celebrity status and enjoying the attention of the girls. They were also gaining attention from the local men. These men did not like the idea of murdering thieves getting unmerited favor and proposals of marriage from the local girls because the brothers murdered their friend Buck. Emotions were riding high both for and against the Ruggles brothers.
On the night of July 24, the Ruggles brothers, the jailer George Albro, and myself were settling down for the night when yelling and screaming was heard in the street. A group of about 40 men turned into a mob and stormed the Shasta County Jail. The mob confronted George and demanded the keys to the cell. The keys were locked in the safe, so the safe was blown open. The brothers were grabbed and dragged out of their cell and through the street. The angry mob then kicked, screamed, and dragged them to the cottonwood trees that were located by the railroad tracks, off of Shasta Street.

The mob was yelling to hang 'em, which they did. The mob walked away and went back to their homes. I went back to the Middle Creek Road and headed East along the Sacramento River and through town. I wandered around and found myself back at the river's edge.

I sat down on the South bank of the Sacramento River to rest and reflect. I fell asleep thinking about the Ruggles brothers and the gold coin never found. I could not change the events that led to the death of Buck or the actions of the mob or the lynching of the Ruggles brothers, but ..., maybe ..., I can find the lost gold. I could hold history in my hands and feel and touch the objects that started the chain of events that led to the corruption of so many lives. I decided that I would look for the gold.
The next morning the pair were still hanging in full view of the passenger trains and those who passed by the hanging trees. They stayed hanging from the trees for three days. Their bodies were loaded on the train taking them to Traver where they were buried in the Wilson Cemetery. They were relocated in 1947 to the Smith Mountain Cemetery in Dinuba, California. They are now located at block 3; row 4C; grave 10 in the cemetery. This is their final physical resting place. John once admitted to shooting Mongomery in the back and sent him to hell where he belongs. John and Charles never made it to their trial here on earth, yet they will one day get their day in another court.

I went into a trance and my body started twisting and turning , everything went white then black. I passed out on July 24, 1892 and woke up looking at a white pointy object rising out of the water.

This is the History Mystery Man signing off for now until I write again.

Copyright © 2009 by Ted Weyand. All rights reserved. 

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Ruggles Brothers and The Mystery of The Lost Gold

The coach came around the bend and there in front of us in the road was Charles Ruggles at the age of 22 in a long coat and his face hidden behind a large bandanna. His shotgun drawn and ready to shoot. The stagecoach came to a stop and Charles demanded the strongbox of gold. Buck got the box and threw it to the ground. As Charles eyes were fixed on the descending box, Buck grabbed his shotgun and blasted the robber. Charles was dropped by the gun blast and his gun went off spraying buckshot into John Boyce the driver and George Suhr the passenger. Brother John was hiding in the bushes, heard the shot and came out from hiding and seeing his brother lying face down on the road started firing at Buck. He hit Buck and then fired several shots at the stagecoach.

I'm in the coach sitting low, yet watching the action take place. The fear of me getting shot was overwhelming. I wanted to stay out of the way of the gun fight. Because of the noise, the horses bolted and took off as fast as they could run. Buck was seriously wounded and could not do anything. The driver and the passenger were in bad shape and they just hung on for the wild ride. Just like in the old western movies, I climbed out of the coach onto the roof. I got onto the driver's bench and tried to grab the reins. Buck was looking pretty bad and had a glazed look on his face. I got the reins and pulled back hard and nothing happened. The horses kept going at their out of control pace.

Around the bend came a man with a horse and buggy. The stampeding horses were heading straight for them when all of a sudden the runaway horses settled down and came to a stop. John Boyce, not noticing me, took the reins and drove to the nearest place which was Middle Creek Hotel in the little town of Waugh named after Joseph Waugh. I watched Buck Montgomery die of his wounds, while John Boyce and the John Suhr were patched up and going to be fine.

The news of the robbery of $5000 in gold bullion and coins and the death of Amos "Buck" Montgomery traveled fast to Redding. Buck was well known and respected in Redding. A posse was hastily organized and left to find the robbers and bring them to justice.

I stayed at the hotel in an empty room and I was puzzled why no one would talk to me and they seemed to look right past me. It was like I wasn't really there. I decided that my body in time travel transformed into something new and different. I was the same old dude, but I can now hear better and didn't need glasses anymore. Yes, I looked the same but with no aches and pains. I fell asleep trying to fully comprehend my new self. The next morning I woke up with the posse at the hotel and they talked to the witnesses of the robbery. They got their information and headed out to the robbery site. I followed on horse back to witness first hand the capture of the robbing and murdering brothers Charles and John. Charles was last seen face down in the road suffering from a gun shot wound. John was last seen grabbing the strongbox and heading towards the Middle Creek side of the road.

We got to the robbery site and fanned out. I got off my horse and went down the bank of the road towards the Middle Creek. I was walking through the bushes when I saw a man sitting on the ground by a fresh pile of rocks and dirt. Could it be the gold that has never been found? Stories have been passed down through the ages that say John Ruggles hid all the gold bullion attached to a floating device that floated a foot below the surface of Middle Creek. Maybe, the gold coin was hidden somewhere else. Anyway, Charles saw me and got up and stared at me.

I am now face to face with Charles. I told him that I am a time traveler and from the future and that he can't hurt me because he can't see me or talk to me. Yet, if this was true he would not be pointing his gun at me and ordering me to get my hands up. I stood there in disbelief and closed my eyes as he pulled the trigger and I fell to the ground.

This is the History Mystery Man signing off for now until I write again.

Copyright © 2009 by Ted Weyand. All rights reserved.

I would like to acknowledge and thank the following sources of information:
Dottie Smith's blog from
Bicycling Through Time--History Along the Sacramento River by Donna Pearson
Peggy B. Perazzo, Letter dated 20 May 2001

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

If You Want To Go Back In Time Go to Adult 9

IF YOU WANT TO GO BACK IN TIME GO TO ADULT 9 was the riddle to solve this time. I went to the information desk and asked where can I find Adult 9. She explained it would be computer number 9 in the adult section. She showed me where the computer is and of course it was being used. I waited for the computer to become available and while I waited I realized that I had no idea what to do at the computer.

My turn came and I sat down and stared at the screen. I looked around and nobody seemed to be watching me so I shut down the computer and put the device in the USB port. I turned on the computer and it started rebooting normally. Until all of a sudden the screen started flashing and then stopped. I read "Welcome to the Time Traveler Scheduler." There was an icon that read Book a Trip. I clicked on the icon and another screen popped up. It asked, round trip or one-way? Well, not being interested in not coming back, I clicked round trip. From where and To where? It asked. I typed in Redding Library and Sundial Bridge. Then it asked what day and time did I want to leave and what date did I want to visit. I typed in September 1, 2009, 10:30 am and arrive July 2, 2004 at 5:00 pm. I chose this date because it was the Gala celebration for the first crossing of the Sundial Bridge. The screen displayed that my reservation is confirmed and I would be returning 24 hours after arrival. Then it said to go to the room with the oval dome ceiling with the triangle design. I would be leaving tomorrow and I was excited yet nervous and downright scared.
I said goodbye to my wife, but she didn't know where I was going. She thought that I was going to work. I went to the library and went to the room and stood under the oval dome and waited for 10:30 am to arrive. It was 10:29 and as I was waiting for the last minute to pass, I wondered if this was for real or am I a victim of a bad joke. All of a sudden, the triangle dome started spinning and gaining speed. It started to wobble and hesitate and then went back to speed. I started spinning in time with the dome as I was observing myself being transformed from present to the past. The next thing I know is I have arrived at my destination.

But, something is wrong. I am not at the Sundial Bridge on July 2 in 2004. I am looking out of a window of a stagecoach that is going down the dusty road at great speed. Knowing my history, I believe that it has to be May 14, 1892. The stagecoach stopped at Shasta for a break. I got out of the coach and dusted off my hat and boots. I look pretty good in my cowboy attire, if I do say so myself. I introduced myself to the driver, John Boyce affectionately known as Pop and the Wells Fargo messenger Amos "Buck" Montgomery. There was no response from either one of them. But I knew that this is the day that they would be robbed by the Ruggles brothers.

The Ruggles boys are a kind of Cain and Able Biblical story but not quite the same. Cain was jealous of Able and decided to kill his brother. They lived their lives in contrast. One doing good and the other doing bad. It was the same contrast with Charles and John. Charles was a well liked young man who attended college and had some success in life. John, the older brother, wandered from job to job, from town to town. He settled in one place for two years, the San Quentin Prison. He got an early release in 1880. John didn't murder his brother, he just convinced his brother to join him in a life of crime. Later today the Ruggles boys will confront John Boyce and Buck Montgomery to steal the gold shipment that was on board.

Our rest stop had come to an end and we loaded up and continued our trip. The bone jarring road was bumpy and dusty as we rolled and bounced along the road. At least the scenery was beautiful at this time of the year. I knew there wasn't much time left before we would meet the robbers. This would happen about a mile and a half from the town of Shasta. I could see ahead a tight curve in the road and knew that I was about to witness history in the makin'.

This is the History Mystery Man signing off for now until I write again.

Copyright © 2009 by Ted Weyand. All rights reserved.

Another Riddle for You and Me

Robyn's thinker? Who is Robyn? Who or what is the thinker? I didn't know the answers but I knew the answers must be back at the Redding Library. I went back to the library and took a look around. I walked passed Mark Twain, at least a bronze image of him and saw nothing. I went to the children's library and walked pass "Old Iron Sides" which is a model of the U.S.S. Constitution. I went around the room and saw nothing. I walked around the rest of the downstairs and then continued upstairs. I walked past the magazine area through the genealogy section and walked by Boggs Library and saw nothing. I talked to some Information Desk and no knowledge about Robyn's thinker.

I went down the stairs and then there it was on top of a shelf a bronze looking statue of a man about two feet tall in the sitting position thinking. You know right elbow on right knee with his hand cupping his chin. It was right there at the entrance of the library. I walked right by it when I first came in. I walked around the statue and I took pictures of it. But now that I know what Robyn's thinker is, what do I do? Some how I have to take a closer look at it. I have to get it off the shelf and be able to examine it closely.

I wondered if I should ask the librarian if I could look at it but then I thought that she might think I was a ding dong with a screw loose. I could see the look on her face when I explained that I found a thingy and a whatchamacallit in a carved out book, no I didn't do it, I just found it, and I put the thingy in my computer and it told me to find Robyn's Thinker. Then I would end up in the clinker looking like Robyn's Thinker. No, asking to see it was out of the question. There had to be another way. I had to steal it and bring it back of course.

Maybe if I came with a big dufflebag and took it off the shelf just before closing and walked out with it, nobody would know the difference and then I would bring it back the next day and put it back on the shelf. No it probably wouldn't work, but I now have the plan that I think will work. I will come in a work uniform and inform the library staff that I'm here to clean and maintain the statue. I will have it back the next day all clean and shiny and ready to go back to the shelf.

The next day I went to the library and did as planned. It went well. Just a few strange looks but the library gave me the Thinker and I gave them a receipt. I took it home and set it on my kitchen table. I turned it 360 degrees around. I looked at the top and I looked at the bottom and there was what I was looking for. On the bottom was a slot about the same width and thickness of my other device that I had found in the book. I put the circular end into the slot and nothing happened. Then I tried it again and put the device in it's 90 degree position and still nothing happened. There was a button that I had tried before but decided to try again. I put the device in the 90 degree angle and pushed the button. The four lights lit up and started flashing. I put it into the slot of Robyn's Thinker and it started to glow and turn colors. I jumped back in shock when a secret panel opened in his back. I looked inside and what did I see? Another riddle for you and me.

This is the History Mystery Man signing off for now until I write again.

Copyright © 2009 by Ted Weyand. All rights reserved.